Saturday, January 29, 2011

Derp Bike!

This amazing program was posted on a forums the other day, it's Derp Bike.

The program uses a genetic algorithm to create off-road vehicles that have to get as far as possible on the course. The further the car goes, the fitter it is. And fit cars in the genetic algorithm produce new cars with other fit cars, and they mutate a little every step. This way, the total 'population' of 20 cars improves over time, as the cars that don't go anywhere are filtered out, and only the cars that move properly go ahead.

There's a few options here. You can set the maximum amount of wheels the car can have, so you can have 8 wheeled vehicles if you so like. The mutation rate indicates how much each car changes every generation, I suggest leaving it at a low setting, since 12% already means that cars nearly completely change every cycle. The up and down buttons give the user the power to promote or demote vehicles, aborting the run and making them more or less likely to appear and have children in the next run. Currently, I have no idea what the frequency does, but check it out for yourself.

Sometimes a hugely disformed car, of which you think it would make no chance to get anywhere, actually functions perfectly and makes it to the finish line. Be warned, this is highly addictive to stare at!

Post your best distance results here! XD (the level is random, so it doesn't mean much, but heh...)

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